Mr. E.Kiadii

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Orlando/ Tallahassee, Florida, United States
I am Elliott Kiadii. A young, inspired, focused, journalist. One who writes objectively and accurately, communicates efficiently, promotes events and I establish meaningful networking relationships. In addition, I am one who is able to work well independently or in a team environment, with focus on exceeding and meeting tight deadlines. Continuing to live and learn with every life experience that comes my way. Victory becomes, to some degree, a state of mind. Knowing ourselves superior to the anxieties, troubles, and worries which obsess us, we are superior to them.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dean of Nursing Search DOA

TALLAHASSEE, FL.- The search for a new dean for the School of Nursing was been has been put to a halt.
This past Friday eight faculty members from the School of Nursing served on the search committee that will decide who will get interviewed to be the schools next Dean. The meeting was headed was headed by Dr. Verian D. Thomas. Thomas thinks it is very important that the committee closely examines all four applicants before the interview process.
“The school of nursing is at a point where we need change, we need to make sure we are able to bring in someone who is ready to change some things in the curriculum and bring the school of nursing  back up to speed” Thomas said. “It is critical we bring in someone who will be ready for the task at hand.”
The meeting being held in one of the conference rooms, in the school of nursing, reviewed each applicant in grave detail. The committee discussed the qualifications of each applicant, how current each applicant’s publications were, and also experience, which is key, not only in the field on nursing but from an administration stand point. They graded all applicants and would converse about who the committee thought was best to move forward to the interview process.
However, out of the four applicants, the committee chose not to invite anyone. The search committee made a motion to place the search process on a hold until there is more information about the universities restructuring and what exactly is the universities plan for the School of Nursing. Chinna Abel, Senior Nursing student agrees with is pleased with the search committee’s decision and agrees with the committee saying that the school of nursing can function with a interim dean in the meantime.
“The School of Nursing is very demanding. Bringing in a new dean who may not know what to expect from the high expectations of the school or FAMU as whole, I don’t think would be a good idea. Especially during the universities restructuring.” Abel said. “I strongly agree with the search committee, they should name a interim dean until we find someone who can take on the challenge to the best of their ability.”
According to the universities website, graduates in FAMU’s pharmacy, public health, and nursing programs recently achieved 100 percent passage rates on their respective professional licensure examinations.  FAMU academic programs across the board are commonly linked to student success.
“I want that one statistic to stay the same” FAMU Nursing Alumnus Jodie Williams said. “I want the best for my university and personally my school, at the end of the day it’s about equipping the students for the working world. I feel as if the search committee made a great decision for the schools future.”
For more information or if you have any question, please contact. Dr. Verian D. Thomas at (850) 599-3505 or e-mail

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